From dedication comes success
We currently offer the traditional Ballet, Contemporary Modern Jazz and Tap, as well as Acro Dance and cheerleading.
We also offer Adult classes in Dance Fitness, Tap and Ballet. Please contact us for more information.
However, we are constantly expanding as the school develops so please contact us for up to the minute information. If you don't see what you'd like, please ask!
If you want more information about what we offer please take a look at our prospectus at the bottom of this page.
Ballet, is a beautiful, traditional dance genre. It is a great base foundation for all the other genres, even Street Dance! ​
The great misconception is that it's "Just for Girls" and as a mum of 3 boys I can tell you this isn't so! We cater for boys and girls and you'll be surprised how much boys enjoy it, and how much it helps them improve in other sports such as Rugby and Football.
Ballet helps to develop students strength and physical awareness, as well as encouraging a sense of musicality and coordination.
Tap is the percussion of dance. Think the late great Sammy Davis Jnr and of course Adam Garcia from Sky 1's Got To Dance​
Kids LOVE tap. The ability to make noise with their feet and be allowed to do it! Tap is also great for developing coordination and a sense of rhythm.

Tap is great for Mums & Grandmas too! A great fun way of exercising and learning a new skill. It's also a fantastic way of keeping Osteoporosis at bay!
Contemporary Modern Jazz​
This is a development from Ballet to a more modern style. This is the stepping stone from the more traditional styles to commercial, pop and even street.
This is a great fun style where as well as learning the techniques and developing skills the children enjoy the more modern style and the use of current pop music in their classes.
Cheerleading is a fantastic up and coming sport in the UK, with a role for everyone and emphasis on teamwork it is a fantastic addition to our repertoire.
It's not all pom poms and shouting, it's a combination of stunting, tumbling and dance that doesn't fail to entertain!
We enter competitions annually and have already added some trophies to our collection with every team member receiving their own medal from each competition.
Acro Dance
This is a skills based class working on turning, flexibility, leaping and acrobatic tricks. We also work on a performance piece for our annual show. This is a great addition to any other class suitable for ages 8+.
New exams are now available for this class and will be part of the annual programme for 2021 onwards.